Every Wednesday at Caroline L. Reutter School, teachers gather during their preparation period for a unique and collaborative endeavor: Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). These gatherings serve as a platform for educators to exchange ideas, share best practices, and enhance their teaching strategies.

At the heart of these meetings is the utilization of the Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) Framework, a structured approach designed to guide teachers through their discussions and actions. The CAR Framework empowers teachers to navigate their PLC meetings effectively, ensuring that each session is purposeful and productive.

Through the CAR Framework, teachers at Caroline L. Reutter School embark on a journey of continuous improvement. They identify areas for growth, set actionable goals, and engage in reflective practices to refine their teaching methodologies. By leveraging the collective expertise of the group, teachers collaborate to address challenges, explore innovative solutions, and elevate the quality of education for their students.

These teacher-facilitated PLC meetings foster a culture of collaboration and professional growth within the school community. By embracing the principles of the CAR Framework, educators at Caroline L. Reutter School are not only enhancing their own professional development but also creating an enriching learning environment for their students.