Character Development Program
Reutter School’s Award-Winning Character Development Program will focus on Core Character Traits over the course of the school year. Coupled with SEL integration, students will learn about how to be productive citizens while promoting the acceptance of others. The school’s character development committee has planned a variety of activities to promote our character development program along with our weekly-based Olweus Anti-Bullying Program Class Meetings and the Daily Morning Meeting Social and Emotional Learning Structures.
Reutter School’s Character Traits of the Month
Never Give Up (perseverance)

Recognitions for our School:
2022 - Promising Practice for "Buddy Police" Program
2021- National School of Character

Reutter School has been named as a 2021 National School of Character!
The Caroline L. Reutter School is extremely proud to announce that it has regained recognition as a National School of Character. Across the nation,, a national advocate and leader for character development in schools and communities, certified 47 schools and 1 district as National Schools of Character.
Each year certifies schools and districts that demonstrate a “dedicated focus on character development which has a positive effect on academic achievement, student behavior, and school climate.” Criteria for selection are based on Character Website’s 11 Principles of Character, which include providing students with opportunities for moral action, fostering shared leadership, and engaging families and communities as partners in the character-building effort. The Caroline L. Reutter School was recognized for having earned prior recognition as an ADL No Place for Hate School, State School of Character, Character Development Promising Practice Awards, use of the Connected Action Roadmap Framework for continuous improvement of student achievement, and integration of a Social and Emotional Learning component of their daily advisory periods.
School Principal, Mr. Theodore Peters, commented “Earning the National School of Character recognition is a tremendous honor for our school and community. This symbolizes the commitment that our school and district make towards the academic and social development of our students.”
“I give many thanks to the entire school community, including our administration, faculty/staff, students and parents, for their many efforts while establishing and implementing such an excellent character development program”, exclaimed Mrs. Melissa Haigh, School Counselor.
“We are pleased to announce and celebrate the schools and school district that have earned this national recognition,” said Dr. Arthur Schwartz, President of “The educators at these schools model and reinforce the core values of respect and dignity. They are teaching their students to be honest and trustworthy, to contribute their time and talents to the common good, and when necessary, to show the courage to stand up for what is right.”
"We congratulate these schools for completing the application and review process in a year that has been anything but typical," adds Lori Soifer, who directs the Schools of Character program. “Each of these schools has put in place a comprehensive approach to help students understand, care about, and consistently practice the character strengths that will help them flourish in school, in relationships, in the workplace, and as citizens." will honor the 2021 National Schools of Character at its next Annual Forum, to be held virtually, October 20-22, 2021. The complete list of the 2021 National Schools of Character is attached to this release. Learn more about the district and schools being certified today on our website.
Reutter School is a two time recipient of the State School of Character Award. The school has also been declared as an ADL No Place for Hate School for 10 or the past 11 school years.

2021 - State School of Character
The Caroline L. Reutter School is extremely proud to announce that it has regained recognition as a New Jersey State School of Character. Reutter School is one of only two Gloucester County Schools to earn the distinction this school year and the second time in the past eight years that Reutter School has earned State School of Character recognition., a national advocate and leader for character, today designated 76 schools and 1 district as State Schools of Character for 2021. In addition, is recognizing 2 international schools in Brazil and Mexico as Schools of Character. Since its inception,’s Schools of Character program has positively impacted nearly 3 million students, staff, parents, and other community members. Each year, certifies schools and districts at the state level that demonstrate a dedicated focus on character development which has a positive effect on academic achievement, student behavior, and school climate. Schools and districts announced today will be considered for’s highest distinction: National School of Character.
"We are pleased to announce today the 2021 State Schools and Districts of Character," said Dr. Arthur Schwartz,’s President. "We congratulate these schools on achieving State School of Character designation in a year filled with so many challenges. The educators and parents at these schools work together to ensure that every child understands, cares about, and consistently practices the core values that form the heart of each family and school. We are honored to recognize their efforts and share their inspiring work with schools and school districts throughout the United States and internationally.”
To learn more about the schools chosen today and those in the midst of their 5-year certification as State Schools of Character, please visit Criteria for selection are based on’s 11 Principles Framework for Schools: A Guide to Cultivating a Culture of Character which includes providing students with opportunities for moral action, fostering shared leadership, and engaging families and communities as partners in the character-building effort.
Founded in 1993, is a national nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. We work with schools, families, workplaces, and communities to educate, inspire, and empower people of all ages to be ethical and compassionate citizens. Our 11 Principles for Schools is a comprehensive framework that helps schools and school districts improve academic achievement, student behavior, and overall positive school climate.
2018 - State School of Character Honorable Mention
2014 - State School of Character
2013 - Promising Practice Award
The last 12 of 13 years Reutter School has been designated as an Anti-Defamation League "No Place for Hate" School